White Pines Officials Assosiation is proud to provide this page for links to services that may be of interest to our members. The links are outside of our website, and are NOT affiliated with WPOA.
RefPics.com is a new service by family members of David Dahl, who is a member of the WPOA. RefPics offers to do photography/videography of games for the WPOA members- They are currently scheduling games for football and basketball. For further information, click here.
Kyle Ditzler from Polo Illinois, a former sniper in the US Military has organized a personal training and fitness program for sports officials. Sessions are being held for both the football season and the basketball season to prepare officials for fitness and health. "Making the call, officially fit" can be our emphasis pre-season. Click here for further information. (www.officiallyfit.biz)
Chris Barnhart, sports official is also an Advocare Distributor. If anyone is looking for Advocare nutritional supplements, please contact www.advocare.com/120931912